Contact us

For any general queries that don't relate to our Oxford or Bristol branches, please email us on


If you have any safeguarding queries or concerns, please refer to our Safeguarding Policy and follow the necessary measures as soon as possible. It is important that you do not hesitate to contact us or local authorities immediately and remember: if you are worried about the immediate safety of a child, volunteer, or other vulnerable adult, you should contact emergency services by calling 999.

Jacari's safeguarding contact details are as follows:

Jacari Bristol

Katie Goldsmith, Jacari Bristol Coordinator:

07761 715987 (Mon - Fri, 9am- 5pm)

For out of hours safeguarding concerns in Bristol, please call 01179 902190 or email​

Jacari Oxford

Anna Billson, Jacari Oxford Coordinator:

07516 551972 (Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm)

For out of hours safeguarding concerns in Oxford, please call 01865 570110 or email


If you have a complaint or allegation to make against a Jacari Coordinator or Trustee, please contact our Chair of Trustees.

​If you have a complaint or allegation to make against the Chair, please contact your local authority directly.

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